Hello all! Today is my first day here on devRant! Would you guide me with what goes on around here and how?

  • 7
    Whalecum! 💦

    1) select the right category or you'll get flamed
    2) don't advertise your boring ass company
    3) people rant about tech stuff. Mostly programming but tbh anything tech goes
    4) updoot what you like and dislike the idiots that are still here for some reason

    Have fun 🙃

    Edit: and oh, don't ask for updoots
  • 5
    Subscribe to kiki and AvatarOfKaine
  • 2
    @retoor Kiki absolutely, but why aok? He just writes sexist and offensive shit
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded to be able to read his rants after they have been downvoted and removed from the feed. If you are into that stuff, of course.
  • 2
    People post any old shit here. Just don't spam. Technically we aren't supposed to be political, but everybody jumps in and vents steam by saying "fuck you" a lot when it happens.

    The main point here is to let off steam. If someone backs into your car then by all means tell the world what an asshole they are (but don't dox).

    But don't commit the grave sin of posting memes outside of the joke/meme category. That is a capital offense and people will hunt you down and ...

    ... tell you "wrong category". Usually with a "fuck you" to go with it.

    Oh, and your mom is a slut and everybody bangs her. Not really, but you can expect that here as well.
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded I like it for some reason but I do seriously worry about his health.
  • 1
    @retoor I try to support him a bit, and not add to his problems.
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