How can so many devs have NO FUCKING CLUE what DNS is or how it works

FFS the amount of times ive had to tell devs to clear their dns cache when the browser tells them right in their fucking face a nxdomain error after deployment of a new test system and they just come screaming in confusion why its not working is entirely too high

  • 4
    They probably don't know which incantation to use for clearing that mysterious cache. Maybe they try the incantation for clearing the browser cache and as it doesn't work, conclude the gods being angry and refusing the offering...
  • 4
    @Oktokolo no the way most of them respond clearly shows they have no idea what the actual problem is

    „My site doesnt open“
    „I dont know what you did but now it works“
    No you fucktard we didnt do shit your dns cache just expired on its own you fucknugget
  • 3
    @ebrithil Well, teach em or keep ranting.
  • 4
    @ebrithil easy, teach them that a good deployment involves 20 minutes (or whatever is required) of praying/meditation to please the gods :P
  • 1
    If you want it to work, you just need to fulfill all my wishes.

    I'll then readjust the quantum matrix to align the cosmos.
  • 0

    You seem to imply most web devs know the difference between wifi and Ethernet, and what a router is...
  • 0
    @dissolvedgirl 100%
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