
Junior: "I've deleted the unnecessary migration files after a rollback, just like you recommended me, but the DB-table that tracks which migrations where run still shows them after running migrations"
Me: "That shouldn't happen 🤔 How did you delete them?"
J: "I deleted the code in the Up and down scripts"....

Is it so hard to understand that a migration will "run" even if it doesn't do anything?

  • 1
    My sincere condolences for the headaches you currently have.
  • 0
    Why would you delete migrations though? It makes testing a pain in the ass if you don't use the same dbms in your testing environment.
  • 0
    @nitnip because it's still a feature in development, so this doesn't affect anyone's database but the juniors
  • 0
    @Awlex Ah, totally understandable in that case.
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