so i am trying to checkout devrant apis on

i want to get access to all rants of my original account "curioustools", so i tried this get api (id is correct, i generated via another user api) .

it is giving 404, but user does exists . anyone have idea about this api or what am i doing wrong

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    the user_id, token_id, key ... is if you are logged in by yourself then it will also show a score for the rants you have upvoted
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    @joewilliams007 got it, thanks!
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    @joewilliams007 is it paginated though? i want to get all rants at once if it is possible, but let me know the key to get next page and so on if that's the pagination solution. also, can you point me to the documentation of this api?
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    @dotenvironment i think its actually all rants. But you can check that by looking at first and last and comparing with ur account
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    @joewilliams007 no it isn't :( it shows only 35 and the repsonse itself says that total rants from the user are 352
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    @dotenvironment try using


    Max for limit is 50 rants per request. I havent tested range yet.
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    @dotenvironment wait maybe use &skip instead. Then you can skip like 0 first time then 20 second time.

    Like could be &skip= , &range= and &limit=

    I dont know which one :D
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