
I am using the Process library and phpunit in my project. I updated the process library and my tests broke, so I opened an issue on its repo. Its Maintainer referred me to the phpunit repo instead, and closed the issue

Me: how can I file a bug with phpunit when their software was functioning correctly and only breaks cuz of your latest updates?

Process maintainer: > how can I file a bug with phpunit

*posts the url to creating issues on the phpunit repository

He was obviously trolling me but the preposterousness of it all was quite hilarious

  • 1
    Maybe, the Process library isn't really meeting the quality standards for use in production. Use something else.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo it's the defacto standard for building cli applications in php, and belong to the symfony framework. His argument is that the bug was latently present in phpunit and it took the latest updates to Process to reveal it. So instead of resolving or reviewing what they did wrong, the phpunit maintainers should be in a better position to uncover what edge case causes mocking to crumble like that

    However, phpunit has also been updated with breaking changes I'm not ready to refactor, so odds are its maintainers won't attend to a bug report on an older version. I also can't gamble on the new version having fixed it (and start refactoring tests just for the two affected by this)
  • 3
    @Nmeri17 That's a nice plot twist.
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