Fuck you Oracle.

  • 1
    You know it's good when oracle is involved.

    Unless, you were using eclipse again, then that's just self hatred on your part.

    Details buddy, we need details!
  • 2
    I really don't think I need more details.
  • 0
    DB? ADF? Cloud? Or as an employer?
  • 5
    For killing Solaris. For having a bad support and expensive. For selling Oracle Retail and sending two junior consultants at senior price to do thousands of shellscripts without documentation in the very expensive customizations... It's a pretty crappy company. Now can I send my "fuck you" in peace? So: FUCK YOU ORACLE.
  • 0

    About shellscripts (and PRO*C), my team did the best thing.

    We converted most in a generic shell that call a package.
    So that we get less issues with logic split between linux server and database, someone forgetting to free memory at end, access issues, people don't knowing how to do basic linux commands, etc
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