Fucking Quarkus. Fucking Panache. Fucking ORM.
I wanted to do a fucking simple projection. First this piece of fuck, the Panache, won't let me do a Projection because of a fucking bug, that haven't implemented it properly until 2.12 (fuck and you call this v2?). Ok, upgraded, to the latest 2.16, cuz why the fuck, i'm upgrading already. But now the whole fucking quarkus app won't start! Noice! Ok, fuck it, let's go down exactly to 2.12. Quarkus started, perfect. But now, this pice of fuck Hibernate says 'collection was evicted' whenever i tried to read a collection in the setter (Access.PROPERTY), which worked just fucking fine before. But okay, fuck you. I'll write a @PostLoad method, fine, just fuck off.
But that's not the end! Now it says I cannot write `select parent.someColl is not null and parent.collection is empty as canProcess` because "is empty" only supported in where clauses. What fucking wonderful system! Well, fuck you. I'll write a union query. But guess what! JPA standard does not support union queries, nor HQL (Eclipse Link does, btw). Ok, fuck this shit, let's write a native query. But hey, fucking Panache does not support that. There is no fucking place in their fucking docs stating anything about how to use native queries.
So, fuck you quarkus, fuck you panache, fuck you hibernate, fuck you overcomplicated limiting bullshit called full-fledged ORMs. I'm moving to a fucking mybatis and fuck it. It's simple as fuck, does not fucking restrict me in writing whatever shit query I want to write and let's me map the shit just fine.

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    I needed a very small microservice, you know that one week job? Closed requirement, no front-end, and a small scalable rest? So... From the Quarkus propaganda it had been evident that it would be the technology of our choice. After the second day we found a dead-end with that Panache crap. With half of the deadline consumed, I threw everything away and did it with Jetty embedded in an uberjar + pure JDBC (with great care not to have SQL Injection vulnerability) and we made a successful delivery. This Quarkus is still very immature.

    I had already been disappointed with Wildfly Swarm (R.I.P), which was terrible at hot-swapping, making us waste a lot of time during development (it was very annoying), and now this Quarkus has also disappointed me. There's no way, simple solutions like the good old JDBC and Jetty, or speaking of other languages, a CPPCMS gives a show for these little things.
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