There was a time i disliked middle managers (because i thought they were useless and just making bank for sending emails and doing meetings) but then a couple of them took sick leave for a few days and then i realized how important they were. When they came back, i was almost crying with joy 🤣

  • 6
    there was a time i disliked middle managers, but then a couple of them took sick leave for a few days and then i realized: how fucking quickly a project can progress if those worthless space-wasting lifetime-leeching excuses for human beings are out of the pictures, and instead of "dislike" i should say "loathe, hate and despise".
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    Middle manager spotted 😄
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    @tosensei haha but seriously bro, i hated doing meetings when they were away. The senior manager always asked me to be with her during client meetings and also directly spoke to me and stuff. I hated that, hence i was happy when the middle managers returned haha, but yeah some managers can be aholes :p
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    @Lensflare no bro i am a react dev :)
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    @svartblod you know, a meeting with just two technical people is over, successfully, in 10 minutes. while a meeting with two tech people and the usually around 5 middle managers takes 2 hours and has no result except boosting sales for antidepressants.
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    @tosensei yeah you are right abt that haha
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    @svartblod i know i am. but first, let's call a meeting with 5 people to schedule a series of jourfixes with 20 people to evaluate the acceptance criteria of me being right, how to integrate it with $CustomersCustomProjectManagementSystem and how to ensure a continuous me-being-right-ness. and then let's congratulate ourselves for all being right alltogether about a month after facts have changed and i'm not right anymore.
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    @tosensei and also have a so called 'quick' meeting on why you are not right anymore which would be overseen by the HR haha
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    @svartblod you laugh... i shudder because it's my daily reality.
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    @tosensei haha aaaargh i hate meetingsss, i get panic attacks man whenever there are review meetings, requirement meetings are ok but review meetings man...aaaargghh
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    @svartblod i do, however, like the handovers.

    customer: "how long will that take?"

    me: "xyz days"

    me, inside: "it's already done for a week..."
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    A small, funny quote for the thread:

    "I'm a social vegan. I don't like meet."
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    @tosensei haha i have to try that
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    @ptothew lol 😆
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