which software/research/project you created in your free time as a hobby recently?

I personally created a small widget app that would allow users to create widgets of PDF files on their mobiles.

i have noticed a personal trend : i tend to spend my free time on language/tools/framework that are somewhat different than my daily job. I am a software engineer building sdks in my job that provide a very commercial set of features for android apps, but ended up creating an hobby app that would utilise android's other cool APIs ( storage, file, permission etc) .

before this project too i was exploring backend and web development, creating small react websites in my past time.

do you also spend time exploring outside yhe frameworks/tools used in your work life? or if not, how do you keep yourself motivated? the lateral part os important for me as i am soon going to a job where i might be exploring android APIs in daily work life and therby making android apps will become boring for me .

i remember before joining an SDK making company, i was trying to come up with an SDK myself lol, which at that time was opposite yo rhe work i was doing in the day

  • 1
    but ofc. if.your job is too repetitive learning new things can save your sanity and who knows, you might find a better more enjoyable part of IT which you can jump on if the current 1 gets too boring. you can't learn it all and that's good. It means there is always something you haven't tried yet and can be excited about ;)
  • 3
    I do go exploring outside my core areas, im a web dev mainly doing react - so i take design/ux courses and try to get the design experience aswell to be more of a ‘complete frentend package’.. i also take courses further from my main tasks, eg just finished a GoLang course which was pretty exciting..
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