What are your opinions on Postgraphile, and other automated GraphQL generating tools?

  • 2
    Just like with any similar tool, it works fine to get some basic MVP / POC off the ground with as little boilerplate as possible, but as soon as you start building more complex features it becomes a huge drag. Here's just a few things that become a fucking pain in the ass: third-pary integrations, e.g. for payments; custom authentication providers and API tokens; decoupling data-layer / ORM logic and API; using a third-party search solution; i18n, if you need to translate some content in the database. When you need to add something like that, you'll wish you'd just go with a regular ORM and a regular GraphQL server instead of some magic, tighly-coupled solution.
  • 0
    @hitko 🙇‍♂️ thanks. I’m grateful for your feedback.
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