Once i met a cool guy on a gamejam, we figured out that we both prefer tabs, yay, but then i saw it... He uses Light Themes in his ide =( ok but we can b friends

  • 4
    Don't befriend people like that
  • 2
    @bendr savage
  • 1
    @xenonth that is what i love about tabs, i usually use 2 size, but when i open your files i will see 2,i can change stuff and when you open zu them you still got your prefered 4
  • 1
    I just cant code in light themes i don't know why, so i tried to force myself and started using light theme to get over my habit of coding the dark theme but my productivity, eyes and soul suffered so i turned back to the dark theme 😉
  • 1
    Same here i tried but it makes me sleepy
  • 0
    love the dark side ❤

    about tabs vs spaces use http://editorconfig.org
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