
WTF your function takes in 12 parameters!!! Then it checks one and pass the rest to another function!!

  • 1
    To whom is this aimed at? 😕
  • 3
    The coupling in this code is way too damn high!
  • 2
    The 'divine' image of developer nowadays.. all they know is 'how to messing around with investors money' and 'giving shitty tech talk on every meetup'... :))
  • 3
    It checks the seventh argument, flips them and shifts one to the left, then passes them to the next function
  • 0
    Bet all those parameters are primitives too. Primitive obsession.
  • 2
    functional programmers approves!
  • 0
    @setuid0 I agree with you, but how is this relevant to this rant?

    Genuine question.
  • 2
    It's a 12 step program I guess
  • 0
  • 0
    This is when I use instance vars, don't know if that is the best practice though :(
  • 1
    Swift gui library?? 😂
  • 0
    feeling with you 😔
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