
JuniorDev: I made some changes to your code and it seems to work better.
Me: Awesome, thanks dude.
Inner-me: Who the hell does he think he is.

  • 7
    I was once that junior dev.

    Did not get a thank you. Got tore into real bad and watched my career die.

    Can not work in that industry ever again.

    Stopped improving anyone elses code.

    I feel like you did the right thing though. Thanks for not killing his spirit like was done to me
  • 2
    The only problem here is that it **seems** to work better.
    Code belong to nobody, work on it as you want but fucking know what your doing!
  • 5
    I agree that the word "seems" is worrying. I would want to sit down with the guy and get him to give me a walk through so I can understand what's better about it, or explain gently which bits are misguided. Either way, be constructive. Oh, and explain the dangers of needless refactoring. Never forget that coding is what causes bugs!
  • 15
    The best teams I know leave their egos at the door. If your ego can't take learning something from a junior dev then you just wasted an opportunity to get better.
  • 1
    Hmm as hopefully soon to turn junior, please be honest because how else am i supposed to learn from my mistakes? Also, maybe the changes were good?! No offense by the way šŸ˜…
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    @plumbus I was a lecturer for a while, so i understand how just a few misplaced words can make or break someones career path. My target for the joke was how senior devs take a hit to their ego when their "perfect" code is changed. :)
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