
don't u find something desturbing in this pic

  • 4
    All of these things don't exist in the same place together (e.g. it's impossible to be happy AND loved according to the sign post).

    That and they all point slightly down, subtly suggesting these things can only be found in hell or at least when you're dead?
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus haven't thought of your 1st part, but only 4 the seccond 1. it might suggest not the hell but the middle ground, but still non of them point s up... I can ask... but knowing the ppl arround it was probably put w/o any thgought at all ;)
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus maybe it's a very tall sign, and it's supposed to point directly at you, and then you run in circles around it. bug solved
  • 0
    @darksideofyay or if not perfect circle, you can still make some path to visit each point, but still you can't be both happy and thinking pisitive at the same time... so there a few bugs still ;]
  • 2
    @darksideofyay I believe that's called "bug driven development" 😁
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