Is there a relation with bad long term memory and programmers?
Most really good programmers I know don't have great memeory

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    My memory is the worst. I've got to write everything down (pen and paper for me) or it will be forgotten, guaranteed!
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    I only remember if I remind myself at least twice to not forget it :p
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    What i have noticed in my life is - If you understand something properly, you can never forget it. You will remember it even if someone wakes you up in the middle of your sleep and asks you about it. You will also remember something forever when you face a lot of problem with something and after a lot of hardwork you find the solution for it. You will not remember something in 2 cases and thats if you dont understand it completely or you just dont care.
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    So much to learn, so little time. Have to prioritize. So many things in my head.
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    Our whole existance is about learning. We are at a point where we must mske our own evolution. We must reach godhood by learning so that the cycle can repeat itself. Knowledge is the key to everything. We must work towards it.
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    Lack of exercise can do that to ya
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    I have such a terrible memory that when I write things down I forget that I wrote them down so even that doesn't help :/
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    My short term memory is awful I need to leave documentation open on my other monitor or I'll forget the function name I'm trying to call gaurenteed, whilst I can easily remember specific support issues from months and months ago it's weird
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    Us, software developers, need to hold a huge chunk of information in our memory, which relates to the graph of interactions between modules in our system. Besides that, we need to always remember several languages and frameworks.

    Everything else is just junk. Our brain discards it quickly so as not to interfere with what we're trained.
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    Forgot I posted this..
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