
I hate those mother fucking, Cock sucking, dick farting retarded faggots, who get the opportunity of a new job/internship just because they have a certain "relative" in the said company/organisation.
I mean its ok that you are getting an opportunity, but just don't act all-knowing-god-tier while you don't even know how to print a statement in c++ and got it.
How many more relationships should I increase of mine so that I get into the same position like them.
One of my friends got the internship just because his girlfriend's brother works for the firm.
Now that's just super barbaric unless he gave a blowjob to the gf's brother.
Their Fucking assholes need to be drilled by a giant pile drivers.

  • 0
    I agree however I see no problem with that if the said person is actually skilled or a fast learner...
  • 1
    Good, good. Late the hate flow through you...
  • 1
    @cankarales nope, after working 20 days their,
    Me -"how's the internship going?" Him -"they don't know any stuff of electronics (because that's his engineering branch he is studying in) and I'm like the hardware saviour for them"
    Me - "but an IT company won't be needing that stuff as skill, how about your programming"
    Him - "oh that is done by copy pasting the previous code/other sources supplied to us"
  • 3
    @sam9669 I know that feeling here I am with no way to get into any actual company because I don't have a friend or actual family member in a company, I really wish I was given the opportunity to show someone I can do work, I sorta trip up in my interviews and my CV probably looks bad but I can do work :/

    Yet I know people who can get into development jobs that no nothing of actual programming or will ask me for help :/
  • 1
    Everybody is skilled but most of them lack focus. Girls drugs booze fun party is the focus of the interns because everybody else is doing this in their Facebook Friend list.

    What if it's an opportunity to convert this intern into a geek. One shot is what all it takes.
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