
So I was instructed today, after lunch, to spend an hour teaching a member of my team how to SSH, store keys, basic io routines, and create CRON jobs to auth our ECR registry by my team lead.. Why am I wasting dev time teaching someone how to use an operating system? Need I add, our primary Dev workspace is a spun up using vagrant using xubuntu. I just can't comprehend how this person has been using xubuntu as their primary OS for two months and doesn't know the SSH protocol. Much less how they landed a dev job without any prior experience with a *NIX based OS.

  • 3
    Is he a junior dev? Everyone needs to learn those things at some point. Why complain when you can make a difference? Teach some good practices and spread the *nix love ✌️
  • 2
    Teaching stuff makes you better at it. Try and be the best teacher they've ever had.
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