Am I the only person pissed off with PHP PSR-2? Maybe I like coding with snake_case instead of camelCase. I don't care what other devs use so why do I have a gang of controlling ass-hats telling me how to write my own code!?! >:(

  • 1
    If you work alone you can ignore PSR-2

    If you work in a team you should stick to whatever convention the team uses (Even if you prefer a different one it is important to be consistent, otherwise you'll end up with something as horrible as the PHP standard library)
  • 1
    Because if you publish a library on packagist that doesn't respect psr-2, I'll be the first to post a rant on devRant about you
  • 0
    We are not publishing to any repo than our own and my snake_case existed to start. New team members took it upon themselves to change everything I wrote and some how justified it with PSR-2 despite the fact that we are not sharing code publicly
  • 0
    Besides that - I still do not see how my snake_case variable affects anyone's code. Bunch of babies if you ask me
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