* Me to a girl*
Me : Hey can I know your age?
Her: I can't tell the age like that!
Me: Oh! I see! Can I get your email address so that I can contact you later!
Her: priyanka1995@gmail.com

Me : —_(@_@)_—

  • 17
    Haha I made an email Id and Skype Id with birth year included in University final year. It has been more than 5 years as my official personal ids. Now really regret it :p
  • 4
    @Flarp haha! Nope! It's fake!
  • 1
    @0xff1094ea so it's true that girls don't like to share their age! 😂
  • 10
    @elonmusk haha yes they like to hide their age unless they really know what they are doing 😁
  • 14
    *me to girl*
    Me: Hey can I know your age?
    Her: I can't tell my age like that.
    Me: Oh I see! Can you tell me your github username so that I can follow you and star your repos.
    Her: Awwww! It's priyanka95.

    *Mission accomplished 😎*
  • 1
    @hchauhan what if she is not a programmer? ;)
  • 6
    Me: Hey can I know ur age
    Her: no

    *Must be private variable*

    Class man : friend girl { spaghetti code here}

    Girl Priyanka;
    Man Me;
  • 12

    $property = (new ReflectionClass(Person::class))

    "Eww did you just use PHP on me? I feel violated..."
  • 3
    Fuck !!!
    My age is pretty obvious now
  • 6

    -7652? How was the future?
  • 0
    Why are these girls so dodgy about their age?
  • 2
    @0xff1094ea @elonmusk I've heard that India - Pakistan have never been in peace. But you both nailed it. People never want war, they want peace :)
  • 0
    @elonmusk we don't believe you. Post het real Email so we know this one is fake.
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