When you break the Mc Donalds ordering system, and you don't feel bad, bcuz it runs Windows...

(Took 5 minutes for the system to reboot...
McDonalds should have run Linux... ;_;)

  • 9
    Mcrant tag got me 😂😂🙃!
  • 4
    What, really? On my country, Those things run Ubuntu. Then again, on my country no one wants to pay licenses XD
  • 1
    @DRHAX34 haha, my faith is semi-restored right now :p
  • 1
    That's why you go to burger king
  • 1
    @DRHAX34 Parece então que essas coisas passam de pai pra filho 😂
  • 2
    @wesaka ahahaha verdade verdade XDDDD

    Don't worry guys, just two Portuguese speaking guys here.
  • 0
    I've seen a lot of Displays stuck in grub so don't act like Linux is any better ;)
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