
Seriously, the npm devs mist have never worked on a system with less than 1tb disk

  • 0
    npm is bloat?
    retrieve packages is the package manager jobs.
    seriously... this is not npm fault.
  • 2
    1) this is (partially) a joke
    2) npm could easily maintain a global package cache and symlink to node_modules, saving vast amounts of disk space (since you don't need more than one copy of a particular version of a large package).
    tl;dr doing `install *` is a meme but npm is still bad for other reasons
  • 0
    @er1n okay then.
  • 1
    just fyi if you didn't know already tier are package managers that do what you describe, they will use a local cache if it's available otherwise will from registry. i believe yarn, ied, and pnpm
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