
To all web devs adding cookie-nags on your companys pages: stop that! Now! No where does that cookie law require you to ruin your site with nagging popups. Where's the focus on usability?

And the rule about informed consent? Which normal user (like my mother) knows what that means anyway? I call bs! Politicians, don't get me started.

Every user on the internet goes JMIGA: Just Make It Go Away, click whatever making that crap disappear.

What user will go "holy shit, they're using cookies!! I'm outta here!" No one in the history of the internet, that's who. Argh.

  • 5
    Finally a raging rant after a long time, did you hear that cookie monsters.
  • 6
    Sadly, it's required by law in Europe, or almost all of Europe. It has to be very clear, on all pages and users must be able to deny cookies. I've decided to ignore the law
  • 1
    it's required by law in the UK too. US is the only state you don't have to do it. if anyone from a country sees your site and you use cookies they can report you.
  • 1
    @xociety Have you ever heard of someone getting sanctions for not complying? I sure haven't..
  • 0
    @uxmedic. it's rare very, but some websites get sued for small stuff these days. like alt tags. I hate that. It's a new law that came out like 5 months ago. so it's not a big deal now.
  • 0
    @uxmedic. let's put it like this. most people won't care of you don't, but there are assholes who would. My job doesn't have it and they are okay, but rarely we get reports saying we posting someines information cause they want money.
  • 1
    @xociety I think all you really need not to be sued is to provide a link to your cookie policy in the bottom of the page. Isn't that what Google does?

    I just found out there are a couple of chrome extensions that takes care og a lot of the nags, I think I'll try one of them out.

    But what I really miss here is someone taking a step back and asking the most important question: "what problem are we trying to solve here?" If it's privacy, I can't really see that nagging all users all of the time to a point where every site is crying wolf is a solution. Just sayin! 😊
  • 0
    Sadly it's required that sites do so much more :/ Google also have nagging popups for new visitors. I've decided to ignore the law because it's so ugly and annoying. The law is so oldschool; of cause sites track you, so what? Most users don't give a damn.

    It's sad, but nagging is required by law. Luckily it's not strictly enforced (no internet-police to check up on you 😬)
  • 0
    @uxmedic I agree!!
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