
Am I really a Software Developer or am I just really good looking up stuff on Google?

  • 0
    Beginning? I've been developing for 6 years and I Google at least 40%. At least with languages that are semi new to me.
  • 5
    haha same here. been doing dev for over 10 years and still google shit all the time. stuff changes so fast it's easier to just find the most recent and elegant solutions out there. plus the human brain can only hold so much information. it's much better IMO to know how to find the answer to 1000 questions than know the answer to 500 and not be able to find the other 500
  • 2
    Everything elraE said is 99% of a PhD program. You don't need to know things, just need to know how to find answers when you don't know them.
  • 2
    don't be tom, being able to effectively use tools to be self sufficient and find answers is an asset, not a liability.
  • 2
    So long as you understand the solution, it doesn't matter how you get there :)
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