
Me: *spends 4+ hours refactoring existing spaghetti, ensuring components are modular, easier to test and fault tolerant*

Project manager: ...

Also me: *adds pre-loader image to register and login buttons when user submits form*

Project manager: *All excited* Awesome work. 🙌That's some nice improvement..

Like wtf dude 😳..

My takeaway: These noobs only care about what they can directly interact with

  • 14
    Conclusion : pm loves lipstick & gloss.
  • 7
    They only care about whether or not it looks pretty. They don't give a shit if it actually works until they need it to work.
  • 4
    Did you make it clear what the refactoring gives the company in the long term? Just saying those things you mentioned here to someone not familiar with coding won't make much sense. If you explain that it will make development faster in the future with less bugs you might be getting some praise.
  • 2
    Man, me fancy some spaghetti now
  • 2
    I can't agree with you guys more @lotd @AlmostPerfekt lol

    And yes @simeg , You have to account for every tick of the clock you spend on a project at my company (okay that's exaggerated but you get my point). I explained why I needed to improve the code structure but I guess he couldn't relate to it much
  • 2
    That is life over here. If i spend hours/days modifying code to be more performant, my boss doesn't care. Actually, he even starts looking at his cell phone and replying to msgs if i try to explain it to him.

    If i change the user interface, he shows up in my room with suggestions on how to make it better, with more dashboard charts and blinking shit. F*cking moron.
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