
I will create and Easteregg in my actual project for you Chester, rest in peace friend

  • 0
    Just nitpicking, but I guess you're french ? "Actual" is a "faux-ami", although it sounds like "actuel", it actually (<- proper use of actual) has nothing to do with time. The proper translation would be "current project", as "actual project" refers to some "real project", as opposed to "fake projects" that this implies. What would a fake project even look like ?
  • 1
    @CptFox He is german but it's the same problem.
  • 1
    Thanks for correcting, but you still got the point, right?
  • 3
    A Chesteregg?
  • 0
    @CptFox while that meaning is more often used, actual also means current
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