
4 hours applying to freelance jobs once again, and once again not a single interest. Maybe I'm doing something wrong

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    That's a tough one. I was on the site Freelancer for a while to pick up a few extra bucks, and it was hard to pick up interest. Most of the people I was bidding against were undercutting everyone, and were probably code shops overseas that had automated miss for most every project. I ended up getting one because they wanted someone who spoke English, but it was a tough project.

    In the end, I think freelancing wasn't for me. I needed more stability for my family, but I think some people can make freelancing work.

    When you apply, do you know what kinds of people you're applying against? What they're skill levels are? Do you give a rate when you apply?
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    @tytho I'd say freelancer.com is not for Freelancers... Is for people who don't really care about the money, but just want to make some, fast. Cause as you said, it's an over-saturated market, full of people willing to bid for half of your price, just to get the job... And don't get me started on the "design competitions"...
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