When you think you've either found a bug in Python, or you're going insane, so just to double check, you make two mutually exclusive assertions that could never both be true, and yet, your tests still pass.

I think it's time to find a new job.

  • 5
    I found a problem with your code. It’s in Python. Just change languages and you should be fine 😊
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    @dev0urer what do you suggest? Node or PHP? Hahahahha joke's on you.
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    @kpenc Ruby or Crystal if you need things to be faster. Heck even elixir, but I will never touch Python again unless I absolutely have to
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    Do you use a python linter?
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    @sylflo oh I have plenty of reasons. It’s slow, it’s syntax is stupid, and PyPi is a mess of a package management system; to name a few. That being said, I was also joking. Plenty of people use python and that’s just fine, I just don’t ever plan on being one of them again.

    Side note, if you check my GitHub profile you’ll find that I actually have written a couple Python packages
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    @sylflo I’m just saying if I’m going to use a slow language it’s going to be Ruby or even JavaScript. Python’s module conventions are confusing, the white space based coding style is something that I’ve never understood, and there’s the reasons I’ve already mentioned.

    It’s a personal preference. I just don’t see the big deal about Python. I guess it is fairly good for beginners and learning to code, but then so is Ruby
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    @sylflo to each their own lol
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    If you reflected implements its own __eq__ and __neq__ and both return true.
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    @devnope I do use a linter pretty heavily (Pylama) but that wouldn't have picked this problem up.

    I figured out very quickly that the class of rgrp (which is the same class as reflected) implement its own __eq__ but not __ne__

    Now let me weigh in on the python vs ruby argument for a second. I've also written python packages myself and know it's flaws quite well. Ruby is an absolute pleasure to use, it's a beautiful language but that's not the only metric of a good language. Ruby doesn't yet have the same ubiquity or breadth of libraries as Python

    Python 2 (the deprecated version that basically everyone is still using even though they really shouldn't be) is nearly 30 years old, you can run it on an 8bit micro controller; it comes with most Linux distributions out of the box; and if someone's ever written a library to do anything, it's there under 5 different names in pypi

    They're both fantastic languages, and as you say "to each their own"
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