
TRIGGER WARNING: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Don't mind me just using your computer for bitcoin mining and installing malware on your pc because you didn't block js.

  • 7
    ... *squeamish*
    Enjoy your bitcoin and ++
  • 17
    Bitcoin mining in JavaScript? Ooh that's nasty.
  • 6
    Time to make an idle rpg!
  • 2
    Wait what? I don't get it. I'm supposed to block all JS from all websites just so I can be safe from malware? That puts me and other front-end devs out of a job!
  • 5
    Imagine what that could help science: installing a transparent BOINC client on every machine caught into a botnet using JS
  • 3
    Good luck breaking out of the sandbox. Let me know when you find a way (won't happen)
  • 1
    @Froot ever heard about beef?
  • 2
    @kb88 I have, played around with it a long time ago. But doesn't it just give us access into the webpage the target is on? Having a JS access on all the pages the target is visiting is super powerfully but it won't get you any closer to breaking out of the sandbox.

    Of course there could be some zero day exploits out there that let you break out but that's the same for any software
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