
!Rant, rather a small question.
Few weeks back I have provided Python lectures to my teammates and they were so happy that my manager raised my name for one of the major python resource (though my core work is CMDB, just to ease my work I have learnt Python).
Today I came to know I have been SPOC from offshore liable for entire integration team in JAVA. I don't have much knowledge in JAVA and without asking me they gave me. I'm confused what to do? (Write a mail and say No or simply accept this new challenge) :(

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    What I'd do?

    Accept! YOLO
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    Thank you for kind suggestions. I am not confident :(
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    @Iamsantosh Fuck it. It's not you're going to die. What's the worst that can happen? Will it affect you in 5 years? Probably not, but you will regret not trying if you don't go
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    Yeah, I am not losing anything. This point is amazing. Thank you 😊
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    @Iamsantosh Glad I could help ☺️
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    Yeah I'd do it too. Java is a good thing to be able to add to your resume at least.
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    Python, Java, it's all the same right? -_-

    Decline, offshore is a mofo if you have the experience, you'll get called at weird times and have communication barriers.

    You won't be able to see the issue easily.

    If you also don't have the knowledge the likelihood is whatever you're supporting is riddled with third party JARs and libraries (spring, hibernate, etc)... on a wide variety of deployment platforms and different JRE versions... they can be a motherfucker.

    If you're thinking of accepting, review the code you're supporting, make sure you understand it. Then get in touch with your contact and make sure they're okay to work with.

    No reason you can't learn Java, it could just be way too much pressure trying to support it whilst you learn with no back up.

    Also, what company do you work for? I'd like to avoid thx.
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    We should keep on learning everyday, I follow this principle too. But there is a difference between personal project (after learning we will do) and official submission of a project. Correct me if I am wrong, this is my only concern
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    Thank you for helping me out.

    Java and Python are same, if I am using on small personal project. But for deeper level of integrations involves more advance knowledge (concurrency,connection pools,threading etc,etc) which differs in both of them, will you agree?

    You got it, this is the worst issue and have to always deal with stupid time zones (US time zone) on agile board.

    Yes, I dont have much knowledge as this was done by different team (what jars/libs they have used) and how they manage to integrate systems. Bad part is - this idiots are using way to old technology (ex: Java messaging service - JMS for bilateral communication)

    I have requested the access to their source control, lets see what surprise they got for me. As you said I will make sure the proper contact is there so to avoid future issues (if I am accepting). Also I have started the revision in meantime.
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    Company couldn't be blame for this as this completely on manager's choice (he got too much confidence on me that's the issue). Anyway I am working at Prodapt (India) for CenturyLink - Hope by stating this I am not breaking any terms & conditions.
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    @Iamsantosh no problem.

    It sounds like you have a good handle on this mate, so good luck really.

    From what you've said you know where your pitfalls are going to be (threading and the damn old libraries).

    Take a look at the code, if it's not horrific to you then I'd say take it on!

    I'd still blame company for not having the full support they need paid for, but they may have done that cause they know they have a bright spark who can take it on ;)...

    It's never a bad thing to expand your knowledge, and this might be the perfect opportunity for you to do that.
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    @Iamsantosh oh also, you're never breaking ts and cs by saying who you work for pal!

    Nobody is going to think poorly of them for this, it sounds like you have it covered!

    We shouldn't be scared or ashamed to say who we work for, that allows people to avoid accountability.
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    Thank you so much for your support and kind words. Now I think I am not bad just little afraid 😨. Have noted your words and ready to pull the trigger tomorrow.

    And yeah company sucks, no prior notice, no arrangements, no KT, no transfers. This is very bad.
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    This makes sense, but few senior people over here are narrow minded and that's why I said that. You are good and thank you 😊
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    @Iamsantosh main thing is good luck man =] hope it all goes well.
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    Hope everything goes well. Thank you
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