What is your opinion on Competitive Programming. Are you against, for or in the middle and why?

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    Hate it cause it stresses me. I like to code slowly and think about every line.
  • 1
    Hate it coz, although I love solving them, I hate the fact that most of the problems are non sensical, with hardly any imaginable practical use. Most of them tests how well we can come up with logic, which makes the competition similar to some maths competition.
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    I don't have any particular feelings about competitive programming because I haven't participated or been judged by my skill at it, but I feel it's not my cup of tea.

    I prefer things like game jams or hackathons, which could be seen as a coding competition of sorts (though it's not a "best code wins" competition), but with creative and teamwork elements, less focus on the algorithms themselves and more on the application of techniques to produce something in a short amount of time.
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    I feel about it the same way I do competitive eating.
    Not practical, but still an impressive/entertaining trick.
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    When i program using stuff that i know i become very competitive and aggressive, if i have no idea of how things work... I just depress easily.
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