
When I take a break from ranting, this is where you can find me.

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    Hope I'm not outing myself as noop here but what is that glowing blue thing next to your mouse?
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    Is that Apple Time Capsule? If yes do you recommend it? Can it be accessible from a windows machine ?
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    @gruhn It is a gaming pad maybe u take a look at logitechs website, there you can see it better.
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    What is the blue glowing thing?
    By the way beautiful setup.
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    I'm jelly you've got all that light, nice one man.
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    whoa! nice setup!
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    @gruhn @valium123 that’s a razer nostromo, gaming keypad with fully programmable keys.
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    @cgrey @vrtad @coffeeneia thanks. Glad you liked it.
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    @gitpush it’s an AirPort Extreme. I have other external backup. It’s one of the best wireless AC routers out there at that cost.
    I have read that time capsule would just work fine with windows as long as you have not configured it for time machine backup with your mac. I could be wrong too.
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    @a-n00b thanks man, I'm looking into getting a backup storage I have a Western Digital My book 4TB but it doesn't work with macOS :/
    That's why I'm looking into a different storage.
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    Dude this should go to r/battlestations so damn beautiful
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