
Has anyone here worked on integration with odata services?

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    I saw docs for Microsoft about it, though never tried it. I'd love to know result if someone tried it
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    I am currently working on it.. to make it worse I'm integrating an SAP odata service... There's no clear documentation on approach to be followed or tools to be used.. I was stuck with error code 403 (invalid X-CSRF token) while updating an entity for almost 10 hours...
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    @ciph3r I still don't find the complete usage of it? In the end server is working, what difference is it between: url?x=...&y=
    it is still queried on the server

    I think I don't have full image about oData
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    @gitpush yes.. I'm also not clear about hows and whys of odata... The documentation claims it's 'The best way to REST' ! :p
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    @ciph3r well I'm resting if thats what they meant lol
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    @gitpush haha... Apache olingo is one of the odata libraries for java, I'm using it, code seems to be scary .. hahah.. So I can't REST.. :/
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    @ciph3r There is no rest in java lol Never liked reading java code :/
    Best of luck on your task bro you seem to be enjoying the hell out of it lol
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    @gitpush I don't hate Java .. I've somehow got used to its ecosystem (?) .. I prefer Python and JavaScript.. Anyway there's no rest in your life you are developer.. :P
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    @ciph3r true sad story lol :/
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