
Fuck insomnia. Fuck it right in its overly alert, not at all tired face. Could I just for one night actually sleep and not wake up 2 hours later? Please?!

  • 2
    Do weed
  • 1
    Insomnia.rest is a cool tool, dont blame it.
    And fck postman!
  • 0
    @theScientist noooo dont do weed try going without coffee for a few days and drink a glass of wine

    edit: fixed a typo
  • 0
    Idk about weed or anything,
    But shaking while lying on ur bed really helps.. To extent that u are left exhausted... But don't do more than that extent
    PS: If u know what I mean to shake..
  • 1
    @darkpheonix I don’t drink coffee
  • 0
    Do you exercise at all?
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