Um...Good to know. I didn't know that a serial master-slave configuration is worth a number.

  • 0
    @DLMousey I use that pretty frequently.
  • 0
    Something you need to quickly learn about Google:
    Looking for things that contain a caret? Drop the caret symbol!
    Looking for arguments that start with a hyphen? Drop the leading hyphen!
    Looking for a number between two ranges? Don't use Google because while searching 10000..20000 works fine, they quickly annoy the heck out of you by asking if you are a robot every time you search.
  • 0
    @xsacha doesn't using a hyphen force it to look for everything that isn't it?
  • 1
    @SpencerBeige Exactly. Worst thing is searching for -some-args and none of the search results contain it. Then remembering you have to search some-args for them to all pop up.
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