
I came back here, after not logging in for about a year just to say that patents are fucking stupid. Thanks, see you in another year!

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    See ya then.
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    This was hilarious until I tried to validate. ++ for effort tho.
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    Patents in their original form are fantastic. But the last century has not been kind
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    Patents, and the whole IP issue have become a complex scam. In the case of patents, I would love to see a rule that requires the patent holder to be actively using the patent, or forfeit the patent. I think patent trolls are a particularly repugnant life form. I also find the practice of using broad, vague patents as a weapon to destroy competition to be particularly vile. Actually, I'd love to see patents banned; talk about giving a boost to innovation.
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    Patents were originally conceived to spur innovation:
    If you spent a ton of money on developing a product, you could patent it and be protected for five years. No one could copy your design without paying you a royalty fee, and you decided how much the fee was. After five years anyone was free to copy your design.
    When applying for a patent you also have to submit schematics, making it possible for others to take your design and improve on it. They can even produce cheaper versions to create tougher competition and lower prices.
    Patents were a good solution and prevented companies and inventors from keeping good solutions secret. They ensured that if the inventor showed how to build their invention they were protected by law if anyone copied it.
    The last 100 years or so have corrupted the original intentions and newer laws have ruined the original vision.
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