Story Time

One of my cousins works in an MNC and his CTC is 30 Lakhs per annum ( USD 36,591 )

My mom used to compare me to that cousin, like how Asian countries parents stereotypically do,

Until last week when my mom and aunt were chatting and, out of nowhere, my aunt explained to my mom, what the difference between CTC and actual salary is.

The cousin's CTC is above amount but he takes home only 1 Lakh a month making his take-home salary about 12 Lakhs per annum ( USD 14,636 )

I am a little relieved, now that my parents understand that CTC doesn't mean take-home salary which was something I was trying to explain them before, but they used to brush me off saying I was looking for excuses.

  • 0
    Fuck your parents haha, this stuff shouldn't matter
  • 0
    People should feel more confident about their size so they don't feel the need to compensate
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