A few months passed. Still jobless. I am a php dev btw. In stead of giving up. I made a simple app allows people vote up and down restaurants I Melbourne Australia. https://melres.shopshop.space. I learn a lot about nodejs, react, redux, express, mongo, nginx, Ubuntu. I apply for nodejs job, IT support, DevOps, API job, backend job. All got rejected. Due to experience and competiton. I even ask I can work for DevOps for free. Still no reply. In stead of giving up, I keep learning, doing the thing I love. Focus on learn how to learn. Day in and day out. Hopefully it gets better.

  • 9
    Don't sell yourself as <language> developper.
  • 2
    @Double-A unfortunately, this seems to be precisely how companies recruit nowadays. You either fit to their keywords or you don't. Just farming these hot terms like node on your cv will amount to a lot. Which is silly but what can you do
  • 1
    Focus on one technology/skillset and learn it inside out. Then go for it - you'll have no problem getting a job.

    BTW, There's nothing you've said you've learnt that would qualify you for a DevOps job, even working for free - what you've learnt doesn't show any interest in DevOps.
  • 0
    @terminalterror true. To be honest, I have no particular on anything. I know I love to do backend, API, Linux, cloud. I will find my interest once I am doing it. I love learn how to learn. That is the only thing I am sure.
  • 0
    I think I should be doing helpdesk.
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