
I wad looking for a kind of 'internship', i'm an 18y/o high school self-taught programmer, and applied for a job at a small company in my town, with a mention: "I don't wanna be paid, I want just to evolve my skills, by gaining experience". When they called me, the HR girl told me exactly this: "If you can gain 2 years of experience until next month, we will hire you". My face expression changed to a poker one and I asked "How am I supposed to spend 2 years in 2 weeks?" and she responded: "I don't know, I told you what they told me to tell you"... Anyone else who got into a situation like this? How is this even possible?

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    I guess the HR asked the tech how they think about it, and they made a joke and no one got it.

    The actual reason: even if you don't pay the intern, you still have to pay him with time from the guys in the department. Which means that they can't produce money while they are helping the intern.

    But I wish you the best of luck,to find an internship with good coworkers.

    If you have some experience you might are able to help and don't cost so much help-time.
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    Mentoring interns who does not have experience is a big time consuming task. If you have experience or if you are a good programmer then ask them to assign you a task which you will have to complete without supervision and proove that you are experienced enough (for unpaid internship)
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    I have the experience, knowledge of several languages and frameworks, portofolio, i just wanted to see how projects are done start to finish in team
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    @hardeepasrani i made it in Romanian, but projects were 90% in english
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    @Dav13 best idea ever
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    @hardeepasrani JS and NodeJS here
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    @hardeepasrani thanks
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    @Dav13 please don't do that. Because of stuff like that I'm always in doubt when interviewing. Just be honest and tell them about your current skillset, what your interests are and what motivates you.
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