Can we please invent a company where we don't have to endure the incessant ringing of Microsoft Teams? 🙉🔔 It's like a never-ending symphony of interruptions and distractions. I yearn for a peaceful workspace, free from the jarring sound of countless notifications. Let's build a world where productivity reigns, and Teams ringtones are banished forever! 🚫⏰

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    Or just use the "do not disturb" status so you disable all notifications at once.
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    I compare it to the beepers at McDonald’s
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    No need to invent one, since I know at least one company where Teams is not used. Come join us on the dark side, we don’t do Teams.
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    Just what @NeatNerdPrime, when you're busy just set it to silent. I do this often when people are spamming me, so I can choose when to respond.
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    @Jifuna You let this memory eater run in the background?
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    @Tounai Oh I hate teams with a passion luckily we use slack. Same argument about notifications tho
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    You can mute conversations, set do not disturb, even turn off notification sounds.

    I don't know what the issue with Teams is. It's probably the most versatile "one stop shop" application to communicate with coworkers.
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    @TestInProd423 my issue is twofold: the UX is not good, and inconsistent at least, and it just doesn’t work well on non-Windows devices, if at all.

    The idea as a one stop shop communication platform is great, the execution is lacking.
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    everyone and their fucking dog wants to send you notifications these days.

    i don't even call em notifs anymore. I call them barks.

    It's about as fucking annoying.
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    @Jifuna you muddafuka you!
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    @Wisecrack I don't get are blog sites that ask to send notifications.
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