Friend: Hey can you check my code, can't seen to find this one error, and i have been trying for hours now.
Me: Just one error?
Friend: Ya, just one. And it i am not in a hurry, check it whenever you can.
Me: *understanding the pain of not finding that one fucking error*
Cool, just send me the code i ll check it tonight.

Later that night i check the code, debugg that error, shit ton of more error pop up.
Me: Well i have solved the one error, now i can just hand over the rest of the code to the guy so he can take care of the rest, its not like i am responsible or aything. HOWEVER, maybe i can solve few more, just for fun, i can't just let this code get the better of me.

*ends up clearing all the error after a lomg night*

  • 11
    Same, cannot resist fixing bugs even when late have sleep deptrivation.

    M U S T F I X G O D D A M N B U G S
  • 20
    Just... one.... morrree....
  • 8
    You guys are my kind of developers, why don't you exist off the internet?
  • 1
    you're too kind to the selfish bastard! LOL!
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