It is 7am on a Saturday, I am still in bed, and I have just come up with the math equation I need to solve a coding problem I spent all day yesterday. Now to figure out how to roll the fiancé off of me so I can get my laptop....

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    Hug for her... then roll for you.
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    "Yea I'm just a Jr. Dev, does it matter? You'd do that for me?"

    *fiancé walk down stairs*
    "What are you working on?!"

    "Code tests, in Jasmine."

    "Code tests in Jasmine at three in the morning, give me that! What is this?"

    "Code tests, in Jasmine."

    "What are you testing, Jasmine?!"

    "Ugh... Units?"

    "That sounds hideous!"

    "Well, it's JavaScript, so..."
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