s it just me that finds WCF cumberlicated? I'm having trouble to get my client up and running every time we set up some sort of new service solution at work. All these service references and classes that cannot be resolved just cause a meltdown in my head. GGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHH! *going mad*

  • 0
    Cumberlicted? Cucumber licked? You licked a cucumber? Hmmm... Maybe you are going mad.

    I kid... 😆
  • 1
    I get what Microsoft was trying to do with WCF and considering what it does, MS did a really good job. That said, changing any WCF service later has been a fracking nightmare. We have services still in place not because they were written perfectly, but cause everyone is too scared to deal with the configuration hell that would be poured upon them.

    Migrating to REST/WebAPI has been dumbfound-ingly easy to maintain, extend, and change by even the newest of developers.
  • 2
    @Froot cumberlicated = cumber[some] + [comp]licated
  • 1
    BTW, I've resolved the problem with some help from a colleague. It was the settings under the freaking "Configure Service Reference" that needed to be changed. The default settings just wouldn't cut it.
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