People should understand that the eye retina can't see a difference between 4k and 1080p on 5" phone

Oh now he tells me "My 4k phone looks like my TV!!!!!" as if TVs had high PPI screens >.>

  • 8
    You actually can see the difference when using the phone closer to your face. Not to mention 4k on a phone is hugely beneficial for using vr. From arms length its all the same though, yes.
  • 4
    @penguin uh? do you really see a pixels on 1080p? I can't

    also huge battery drain and performance waste most of the time
  • 1
    @OverCoder I can indeed. True, but you can always choose to downscale if you want for normal use to solve that issue. I believe that's what the galaxy s8 does.
  • 2
    meeeh it feels even more painful to downgrade existing features either :p
  • 1
    I'm with you, I think 4K on our phones is nonsense, especially as a standard. With 1080p I can't see a single pixel, unless I'm reeaaallly consciously trying to find one.

    I think the exponentially larger battery drain for a practically non-existent "benefit" is not worth it at all. Not worth the shorter battery life, not worth having more of my GPU and CPU occupied with displaying 4x as many pixels, and not worth paying for a device with a screen that is much more expensive than 1080p.
  • 3
    I'm still on an S4. If I want 1440 I'll use my gaming rig.

    Legit all that matters in a phone to me is battery life and a fast UI
  • 2
    I have a 4k TV. I only see that quality when I see some youtube videos. So, I thought the phone could be the same.
  • 2
    I can't even tell the difference between 1080p and 4K on my 60" TV. Not from my couch 7meter away, at least.
  • 1
    I think there is difference in the phone. You don't see pixels in 1080, but the resolution bump makes text and everything crisper so it's easier in the eyes and overall looks better.
  • 1
    I can see the difference on my 70" TV from 2 metres away. Very clearly.

    One thing to keep note of is many of these 1080p vs 4K tests use different compression. Using lossy compression will completely defeat the test.
  • 1
    @xsacha We're speaking actual quality regardless of the content viewed (i.e. generated content, which is always at the maximum resolution)

    But yeah I think even 4k on 24" would be visible, but not on 5"
  • 0
    Maybe I've just got super human eyesight, but from about 20cm I can see the pixels on my 1080p 5" phone
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