
I'm supporting my language learning with an app that puts users in touch with other users who are fluent in the language you want to learn. You specify the language, and also your current ability on a scale of 1-5.

Does anything like this exist for programming? Like a small scale site with mentoring, something to support people who are learning a particular programming language. I've been thinking that I don't know of any really supportive site where beginners can talk to and learn from expert coders.

If it doesn't exist, is it something that would work and be worth setting up? I really like the idea of helping more people learn coding and giving them someone to turn to when they get stuck or need some encouragement, or even just some positive feedback on their work.

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    I've heard of an app like this for actual languages where you chat with people from other countries. Nothing for programming though.
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    I'm up for feedback on their work, but for everything else you just need to learn how to use Google. Just about everything is out there, 90% of the time people don't know how to ask their question to get the answer that suits them.
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    Ever heard of SoloLearn? It has got tutorials for a few languages and a little competitive mode.

    Also, there is a Code Playground, where you can look at code from others and write your own code.
    And there is a Q&A discussion room for users, user can share their problems and solutions.
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    @CasualToad @shiv379 - Yeah, actually I liked the concept of Sololearn, but they really need more courses and languages. Especially more intermediate and advanced courses for seasoned developers. Continued learning tutorials are harder to find in my opinion vs beginner apps.
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    Thanks I'll look into sololearn and see what it offers.

    I think a big part of the mentoring would be teaching people how to find the answers for themselves. But there's a lot more to it, like looking at the code someone writes and suggesting improvements and different approaches.
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    I agree that something like that could be beneficial. In my case I am in a "Senior" level position, but I am also the ONLY developer. And I'm always learning still. It would be nice to have someone, or a group of people, I could collaborate with, or discuss things with. I use Github, keep track of my own issues, do documentation, etc., but none of it really matters when you're the only developer.
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    @sylflo Yeah, as a developer that already knows all the basics, Sololearn definitely has nothing to offer. It is basically just a tool to get those that know nothing to get their feet wet. But I did like the process they were using to teach and quiz at the same time, and the ability for everyone to discuss the questions, give feedback, challenge each other, and submit code. There definitely is a good social and feedback system put into place.
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    @sylflo yeah im thinking it's probably be a website, with features for posting and commenting on code.
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    How will that be different from codereview.stackexchange.com?
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    @charlwillia6 I've not seen that, I'll look into it thx. One of the big things I'm thinking about is having an ongoing mentor. Just ideas tho :-)
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