
I'm assuming me pc heard me last night, because the gobblecocking twat wouldn't POST this morning.

I had to take her power of completely and then the bitch started updating windows 10.

Its time to make linux the main gaming platform!
If it wasn't for gaming, windows wouldn't even exist anymore

  • 1
    @Jop- Doom is in oGL/Vulkan and not available on Linux. Tomb Raider (2013) is available on Linux, can be started, sound is working, but its a transparent window. I actually wish game devs would care 😑
    I'm making a Minecraft clone (school project) in c++ and oGL and I'm always looking whether it is working on Linux AND windows
  • 0
    How does even POST and Windows relate?
  • 1
    @apex good catch, it was my cpu that didnt post.

    That is because I had to shutdown instead of hibernate.

    And my pc dislikes coldbooting 3200 mhz ram.

    So because I couldn't hibernate, my cpu didn't post.
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