Not a rant: trying to start a GitHub portfolio for future recruiters or companies to see what i have done, I cannot seem to find inspiration on what to do, any ideas or tips?

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    I think any topic is fine as long as your code is well organized. I think it is ok to have experimental stuff too that is not finished just have a read me for each project.
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    First you have to write down stuff. Good ideas, stupid ideas, anything. The goal is to have a list from where you can choose. Install Google Keep and whenever you think of something, write it down. Then, pick a language and do experiments (but, please, finish them). And keep the momentum.

    For instance, to practice my Python (I'm a javascripter), I started doing an application that reads a project's git log (like, 40 loc) . Now I'm trying to make a CLI daily journal. Just crossing things off my Keep's list.

    Soon you'll have a nice portfolio. You "just" have to code your ideas.
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    @stickman thanks! I checked out the Twitter feed. haha. it's pretty cool, I'll be sure to write down the quirky ideas.
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