

It's going on my fucking nerves! I don't want to use closed software anymore! My Company is paying Nokia-Here-Maps money to use there service. But they do not provide the sourcecode to there client-library. WHY FOR FUCKS SAKE? Does it comes to your mind that your library is not perfect and not all use cases are possible? Let my fucking use the library and expend it a little. But GIVE ME SOMETHING UNMINIFIED! It bombards me with errormessages which are no use, because it's not humanreadable.

I don't want to anymore :/

  • 1
    So many times i had exactly that!

    Nice for me: I'm using. NET, so i can just use ILSpy to look into the code.
  • 2
    @CWins that's in js possible as well, but sadly code that got minified is a pain in the ass. Suree you can 'beautify' it, but the variables and fuctions are still messy.
  • 1
    Wait, so they give you the minishittified version but not the nice one?
  • 1
    @CWins yes, and I have to work with this shit. And guess what the functions are intended to do
  • 3
    *linuxxx stamp of approval*
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