I have a dream...
Nvidia on Linux that works like on Windows.

P.S. : I dream good things too

  • 4
    @azuredivay you know that your sentence cloud generate an endless flame? :)
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    I actually didnt suceeded once with an desktop eviroment without having to configure for an hour.

    Headless though it worked like a charm first try.
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    I know what you're saying.
    Maybe if you have only Nvidia, you can do it quicker..the problem become bigger with hybrid configuration.
  • 3
    The best dream I've ever had: Microsoft made DX supported on Linux.
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    Oh..so I should change this rant in to:

    "I have a dream..

    'Linux not supported like Windows' edition (not so limited)"
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    I guess you're speaking about optimus support for laptop. I remember they were working on it, even that Ubuntu got a package with it, I hope it worked.
  • 6
    As Linus once said: "Nvidia... Fuck you!"
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    @Celes it is right what you said..but the afford is not the same.

    (More info here:
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    @foobarabba I'm glad too see they finally support prime ^^ well I'm sleepy right now what is the problem? The double buffering?
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    @Celes For the record: the missing "offloading" 🤓
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    Oh please God yes. I just want mainstream Linux to happen. I want games and graphics and vr and a to forget big companies.
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    @Starkium I simply would like no tearing on my external monitor connected through Nvidia port..🙂✌️
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    I feel like im one of the few Linux users who has no issues with Nvidia graphics
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    All that this would require is that NVIDIA opensources their drivers.
    But then it'd probably be better than Windows drivers.
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    easy GPU lib setup on Windows too plz :) I'd like both to work for me
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    @foobarabba settings>display>compositor>tearing prevention (v sync)
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    @Dacexi i know, I know..but the problem in certain combination of hardware it is harder than that.

    The concept is:
    V type of iGPU +
    W type of dGPU +
    X version of kernel (and acpi handling)+
    Y version of Nvidia driver +
    Z version of Xorg server ....

    the sum is equal to the defenition of

    What about bumblebee and bbswitch?? 🙃
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    @foobarabba bumblebee is no longer maintained because prime is there. But it can still work ^^
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    @Celes You're right. But the problem is still there..I know that we need time, it's always been like that for driver and stuff like that on Linux environment.

    Hope that Prime will improve..and that the folks from Nvidia would give a chance to the nouveau guys.
    [..and this is another dream..]
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    Nvidia support on Linux would make the OS perfect.
    Right now I need to work on Linux and game on Windows. It sucks :(
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    Nvideo are complete dickwads when it comes to open source.

    So here is what Torvalds has to say to them.
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    Moreover, with the latest updates of nVidia GPU with enhanced security, it's more difficult to build open source drivers. As the group active in building open source drivers for nVidia used to do reverse engineering which is gonna be even more difficult from now.
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    @github In fact they are struggling. In my case it is working pretty good..despite tearing (both me and video 😭).
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    @foobarabba seems like nVidia are currently more focused on building gaming and TPUs based large scale server GPUs. I wish AMD starts building better hardware and drivers soon. That way nVidia may also join the competition.
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