
Right hand working on that "billion dollar" website idea of mine; Left hand holding our 4month baby who won't sleep when put down!!!!

  • 5
    I feel you. Got my 4 y/o business in my right hand and our 1 month baby in my left hand.

    When I get to think about it that billion dollar idea turned out to take a zillion hard hours of my time. Next time I start something the baby better be old enough to help out ;-)
  • 0
    Hey, I have a lot of free time, maybe I can help you and take some stress of you
  • 3
    Please tell me it's not "like Facebook, but better"
  • 4
    @ocab19 same here
  • 0
    It seems that "You got a lot on your hands"🙃
  • 0
    Hahah amazing. That's some multitasking. Hope your website becomes the next big thing!
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