  • 2
    Cool for what? It is extremely limited Python wannabe and niche language.
  • 0
    @aviophile I thought ruby
  • 0
    Ruby guys made elixir I think. Did you mean that?
  • 1
    @aviophile I thought that the syntax was very ruby like
  • 2
    @aviophile if you mean a way more performant python then yeah

    i've never understood the python church, its a language like all the others and actually suffers quite a few problems

    "but so many libraries!"

    yeah every language has libraries, get over it
  • 2
    @fullstackclown elixir is NOOOOOOO way fucking near Python when it comes go libraries. No way! Every Elixir library is inferior to Python version when it comes to maintenance, security, feature. I could not find a working up go date library to process wsdl files. Elixir is a niche language with highly limited domain. Any time you waste on Elixir is basically gambling, it is like buying NFT and hoping it will get valueable in the future. Biggest lie is high paying jobs, for maybe hundred men in the world.
  • 1
    @aviophile heh, nft is not even gambling, you will be fucked. The image where the URL is referering to someone's server. One day it'll stop hosting the image
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